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Using Pivot Interactives without an LMS Connection

Not all LMSs are LTI 1.3 complaint. Learn how to use Pivot with Classroom, Teams, and other LMSs.

Trevor Register avatar
Written by Trevor Register
Updated over a week ago

Not all learning management systems (LMSs) are compliant with the latest standards. 1EdTech, a community lead organization focused on the advancement of Educational Technology (EdTech), maintains a set of standards for tools called the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standards. The most current standard set is LTI 1.3, released in 2019.

While some LMSs - like Canvas and Schoology - are compliant with this standard, not every LMS is. The most common LMSs that do not meet this standard are Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams, but there are likely dozens more smaller systems that do not meet the standard.

That said - you can still use Pivot Interactives with your LMS, even if it's not LTI 1.3 compliant.

#1. Adding Students to Your Pivot Interactives Class

You can still use your LMS to add students to your Pivot Interactives class. To do this, simply share a join link with your students.

  1. From the My Classes page, click on the three dots to the right of the class you want them to join.

  2. Click Copy Link to Join Class. A green bar will appear on the screen, letting you know that the link has been added to your clipboard.

  3. In your LMS, create a post and add the link to that post. Instruct your students to click on the link to join your Pivot Interactives class.

Teacher Tip: Managing Join Codes and Links for Latecomers

You will likely need to do this for other tools as well, either by sending your students a special link or code. It's common to forget these codes once you get out of the back-to-school week, but you will need them later when you get a new student. To keep these links in a safe place for later:

  1. Make each of these links an assignment labeled "(Tool Name) Sign Up".

  2. Sort all of your sign-up links and codes into a section called "Welcome Unit." In this section, you can also include your syllabus, safety contracts, and safety quiz for students.

Now, when you get a student mid-year, you can tell them to complete all of the assignments in the "Welcome Unit," and you'll know that they got everything they needed!

#2 - Sharing Assignment from Pivot Interactives

You can still use your LMS to share assignments from Pivot Interactives with your students. To do this, simply share an assignment link with your students.

  1. From the My Classes page, click on the class for which you want to share an assignment.

  2. From the class page, click on the three dots to the right of the assignment you want to share.

  3. Click Copy Link. A green bar will appear on the screen, letting you know that the link has been added to your clipboard.

  4. In your LMS, create an assignment and add the link to that post. When your students click on the link, they will be taken directly to their assignment to begin working.

Teacher Tip: Due Dates

Due dates in Pivot Interactives likely work very differently than the due dates in your LMS.

Most LMSs have "soft due dates," meaning that students can continue working on their assignments after the due date. Pivot Interactives has "hard due dates," meaning that students cannot continue working on their assignments after the due date.

If a student needs to keep working on an assignment after the Pivot Interactives due date, you will need to set their work to "Request Revisions."

#3 Exporting Grades from Pivot Interactives

You can still mass export grades from Pivot Interactives to your grade book, so long as this grade book software accepts a CSV upload. To do this, simply download your grades from the class or assignment.

Class Level

Assignment Level

  1. From the My Classes page or the Class page, click on the three dots to the right of the class or assignment for whom you want the grades.

  2. Click Download Grades. A .csv file will be downloaded.

    1. The Class download will include every assignment score for the entire class.

      1. Best for bulk grade upload into your gradebook.

    2. The activity download will include the score breakdown and the question breakdown for that particular assignment.

      1. Best for assignment-level uploading into your gradebook.

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