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Data Management: The Overview Tab
Data Management: The Overview Tab

Welcome to your new admin dashboard. Learn more about the data presented on the Overview tab.

Trevor Register avatar
Written by Trevor Register
Updated over a week ago

The Onboarding Overview

Our overviews offer immediate visual snapshots of the information that matters the most to you.

The Onboarding Overview is an in-the-moment pulse of your staff's onboarding progress with Pivot Interactives.

On the left, you'll see two numbers - an Active Teacher Accounts count and a total assignments count.

  • Your active teachers are the teachers on your license who have accepted their invitation. This means they have interacted with the email invitation sent to them at set up. (Note: this is the only onboarding step that teachers do not need to repeat yearly.)

  • Your total assignments are the total active assignments across all classes on your license. Note: this may include assignments from the previous school year if your teachers have not archived expired courses. You can learn more about the exact active assignments in the Usage tab.

On the right, you will see a colored ring. In an ideal world, that whole ring will be green, meaning everyone has completed their onboarding! However, if your ring looks like the one above, here's what that means:

  • The grey section - these are users who have not accepted the invitation. These teachers are not ready to use Pivot Interactives until they accept the invite in their email.

  • The pink section - these are users who have accepted the invitation, but have not done anything else in the platform. If they have rostering services, these rostering services will create their classes and enroll students at midnight the night after the accept their invitation.

  • The yellow section - these users have created their first class. Next, they'll need to get students added to the class to begin using Pivot Interactives.

  • The purple section - these users have enrolled students, but they have not assigned an activity to their students.

    • Note: For teachers without a rostering service, this is a rare state to see. For teachers using a rostering service, like ClassLink or Clever, this is the most common onboarding step you will see.

  • The green section - these are the users who have added an assignment. They are good to go!

This onboarding progress resets yearly in August.

Again - this is just an overview. You can learn more about each individual teacher and their onboarding status on the Onboarding tab.

The Usage Overview

As the name implies, the Usage overview is a snapshot of your license usage in the moment. It provides a valuable view of the learning opportunities expertly selected by your instructors to be experienced by your students. Let's deep dive these numbers:

Active Student Accounts

These are the total active students on your license. Students can enroll through a rostering service (like ClassLink or Clever) or through a Join Link.

If this number looks high, check your Usage tab to learn more about particular instructors. They may have old classes or duplicate students.

Total Assignments

When an instructor assigns an activity, it becomes an assignment. Classes have assignments. This is the total assignments across all of your classes.

For example: if I created an assignment in my first period class of 30 students and one in my second period class of 20 students, I would have two assignments. This is a class-level total.

Phenomena-based Learning Opportunities

It's one thing to learn science from a lecture or a textbook. It's a whole different experience to learn science from the experience. These experiences are called phenomena in NGSS science. In Pivot Interactives, students have the opportunity to interact with real-world phenomena through our award-winning interactive video software and our custom-curated and designed simulations. Each unique video collection and simulation within an activity counts as a phenomenon. This is a student-level total.

Automatic Feedback

Following the work on responsive learning principles as published by John Hattie, we believe the best feedback that a student can receive is feedback that is responsive to their input and immediate - that's why we encourage teachers to use our host of question options that automatic and personalized feedback. Each time a student completes a question with automatic feedback, we track it here. This is a student-level total.

And - just so you're aware - we provide automatic feedback on more than just radio-button multiple-choice questions. We offer automatic feedback on multiple select, multiple choice, and numeric questions. Numeric questions boast multiple logic paths that allow for incredible personalization! The personalization options make numeric questions some of the most powerful questions you can ask in a classroom.

Embedded Science and Engineering Practices

Science and engineering practices are something naturally found in Pivot Interactives. It's hard to imagine evaluating a Free Fall claim without gathering and analyzing data; I don't see how I could predict a relationship between elements without developing and using models of the periodic table. How can one argue for the efficacy of antibiotics without arguing? Science and engineering practices (SEPs) just make sense in our activities. And, they make sense for your instructors too! That's why we call out their natural integration in our activities and highlight that here: see how many unique SEP opportunities your students have dived into here. It's a pretty big number: that's because, on average, our activities have a minimum of 3 each! This is a student-level total.

"I don't see this tab."

The Overview, Onboarding, and Usage tabs are premium services offered with licenses. If you are interested in adding this service to your license, speak with a Partnership Manager today.

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