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Meet Drag and Drop

Our latest component type - Drag and Drop (D&D) - is now in Beta. Learn more about it here.

Trevor Register avatar
Written by Trevor Register
Updated over a week ago

Drag and Drop (D&D) questions are currently in beta. All information in this article (especially screenshots...) and subsequent articles is likely to change. We release new content on Tuesdays, so check back each Tuesday for the latest updates.

We encourage your feedback about this new feature! Please send all comments and suggestions to Our team is actively working on this feature, so your feedback will help us make rapid updates in line with community needs.


Picture this: You want to have the students design an experiment on torque. You know that you will need to walk the students through the experimental design, but you don't want to give them the answers. You would rather the students try on their own and get feedback from you. So, you give the students some options for variables - and now you need to grade them.

Pre-Pivot, you likely had each student come up and show you their work, and then you would verify: "Yes, those are right" or "No, two of your answers need to be fixed. Try again." Perhaps you gave a little more information than that - maybe you said, "Are you sure you're holding torque constant?" or "How would a wheel be an independent variable?" However, you do it - this process eats up a lot of time. You likely spent most of your class period simply checking this single question.

Let's step into the future together: meet Drag and Drop, the latest component type to join the Pivot Interactives catalog. You can see it live and in action in the Unbalanced Torque Introduction activity.

This is Section 1, Question 3:

All of the work you would have done is now automated, and you can focus on more important things than checking this one question.

Anatomy of Drag and Drop (D&D) Question

Drag and Drop (D&D) questions have three new sub-components:

  1. Drop Targets: These are the areas where answers (drop items) can go. Typically, you would consider these scorable questions.

  2. Drop Items: These are the items that get "dropped" into the prompt.

  3. Drop Tray: Items live here until they are dropped into the prompt.

D&D questions function similarly to other autograded questions on the platform.

  • D&D questions are submitted when the student is done with them. Upon submission, students automatically receive a score and feedback based on their answers.

  • D&D questions can have limited attempts - though, we generally leave them as unlimited in our activities.

  • D&D questions can include hints to help the student answer the question.

Using a D&D Question

To use a D&D question, students use their mouse to drag a drop item from the tray to a target. If you want to return the item to the tray, click the orange X on the item:

Alternatively, you can drag a drop item from one target to another without returning it to the tray:

When a student submits their answer, they get feedback. That feedback is specific to their input - it drills down to each individual drop item. If the student submits a new drop item orientation, they will get new feedback (if applicable).

How do I make or modify a D&D question?

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