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Data Management: The Onboarding Tab
Data Management: The Onboarding Tab

Learn more about the data captured - and the actions available - in the Onboarding tab within the Admin dashboard.

Trevor Register avatar
Written by Trevor Register
Updated over a week ago

The Onboarding Page

The website to find it at:

Our goal with the onboarding page is for this page to be obsolete to you after the first 90 days on your license each year. We don't want you to be coming to this page every month to check on onboarding progress. With our Teacher Quick Start Guide, the Teacher eBook, our YouTube channel, on-demand tours found within the product, and frequent optional live onboardings, you should not need to schedule onboarding training.

Onboarding Progress

The Step

What does this mean?

How do we move on?

#0. Not Yet Active

These are users who have not accepted the invitation. These teachers are not ready to use Pivot Interactives until they accept the invite in their email.

Click the Resend Invitation button to resend their custom join link instantly.

#1. Accepted Invitation

These are users who have accepted the invitation, but have not done anything else in the platform.

If they do not have a rostering service, click Send Help Link to send them the directions to make a class.


If they have rostering services, these rostering services will create their classes and enroll students the night after they accept their invitation. This will jump them to #3. Students Invited.

#2. Created First Class

These users have created their first class.

Click Send Help Link to send your teachers information on how to invite students - with specific instructions for our LMS integrations.

#3. Students Invited

These users have gotten students into their classes.

Click Send Help Link to send your teachers information about the library and how to find great activities, along with some recommended great first activities.

#4 Onboarding Complete

These users have assigned their first activity - they're done with onboarding!

Check on their ongoing progress in the Usage tab.

Last Onboarding Date

We track the last date the instructor has reached a new onboarding status. You can sort this list to see how hasn't progressed in a while.


I have yet to meet an administration who doesn't want to help their teachers. And - we want to help you help your teachers!

  • Click the Resend Invitation button to resend a lost invitation. These invitations are unique to each user, so it's important that you resend invitations using this button.

  • Click Send Help Link to send a teacher their specific directions for their next step. It's customized for your teachers and includes lots of common FAQs with solutions.

Bulk Actions

Bulk actions allow you to resend invitations or send help links in bulk. Let's take a look at two examples:

#1: Resending Invitations

Sometimes, you just need to reinvite all of your instructors in one go. To do this:

  1. Click the checkbox above the Teacher list. This will select your whole staff list.

  2. Next, select Bulk Actions, then select Resend Invitation. This will send them their unique invitation link.

On this license, only two instructors have not accepted their invitation. So, if I select all of my users and select Bulk Actions -> Resend Invitations, two messages appear:

  • The orange message says that some users did not get a new invite. These are the users who already accepted their invitation.

  • The green message says that 2 users did get an invite. These are the two who needed it.

#2: Send Help Link

Now, we're going to send a help link to everyone who needs it. To do this:

  1. Click the checkbox above the Teacher list. This will select your whole staff list.

  2. Next, select Bulk Actions, then select Send Help Link. This will send them their specific next step. Again, these next steps are unique to your instructors, so encourage them to read these emails!

"I don't see this tab."

The Overview, Onboarding, and Usage tabs are premium services offered with some licenses. If you are interested in adding this service to your license, speak with a Partnership Manager today.

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