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Deep Dive: Video Instance

This article series includes component specific instructions for modifying and building activities.

Trevor Register avatar
Written by Trevor Register
Updated over a week ago

Use: Allows the instructors to add the Pivot Interactives-produced video sets. This is NOT the component that allows teachers to add their own video. To add your own video, check out this article about instructor uploads.

When editing components, some sections of the component are required for the activity to save. These sections are marked with a yellow star.

The Video Instance component allows you to import a Pivot Interactives video instance. This component is best for merging two activities.


  • Instance: This is a searchable drop-down of all of the Pivot Interactives video instances.

  • Trial: For videos with multiple trials, you can control which trials appear to students.

    • Student Selected - All trials are available to students to freely select.

    • Variable - Use a variable or Collection Variable to determine which trial is loaded for a student by default. Only that trial is available for students to view, and they cannot select any other trial.

    • Preselected - You select which trial is available to all students when they load their assignment. Only that trial is available for students to view, and they cannot select any other trial.

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