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Configuring Pivot Interactives in D2L Brightspace

Add Pivot Interactives to Brightspace to allow instructors to create links to Pivot assignments and get grades from Pivot automatically

Trevor Register avatar
Written by Trevor Register
Updated over 8 months ago

Step 1: Register Pivot Interactives in Brightspace

This step registers Pivot as an external tool in Brightspace. You will need administrator level permissions to manage LTI Advantage registrations in Brightspace to perform this step.

If you don't see the LTI Advantage tab, see this post on the D2L support site for how to enable the proper permissions.

  1. In Brightspace, select Manage Extensibility in the Admin menu.

  2. In the LTI Advantage tab, click Register Tool.

  3. (Optional) Select Standard Registration

  4. In the Name field copy and paste the following text:
    Pivot Interactives

  5. In the Description field, copy and paste the following text:
    Interactive video for science learning.

  6. In the Domain field, copy and paste the following text:

  7. In the Redirect URLs field, copy and paste the following text:

  8. In the OpenID Connect Login URL field, copy and paste the following text:

  9. In the Keyset URL field, copy and paste the following text:

  10. In the Extensions field, select Assignment and Grade Services and Deep Linking. This allows instructors to create links to Pivot assignments and allows grades on the assignments to be sent back to Brightspace.

  11. Leave the Send Institution Role option unchecked. Brightspace will send the role of the user in the course instead.

  12. Click Register to add Pivot as a tool.

  13. Make a note of the Client id that Brightspace generates. If you do not have access to Pivot Interactives, send this and the domain name of your Brightspace installation to an instructor who does. This information will be used to configure Brightspace in Pivot.

Step 2: Configure Brightspace in Pivot Interactives

Pivot Interactives is now added to your institution's D2L/Brightspace installation. The next step is to connect your D2L/Brightspace installation to Pivot Interactives. This step can be done by either one of your school's Pivot Interactives License Administrators or by the Pivot Interactives support team.

If you're a D2L/Brightspace Administrator and do not want or need to have a Pivot Interactives account, you can instead email the following information to

  • Client ID

  • Deployment ID

  • D2L/Brightspace domain

We will complete the installation for you. If this request is received during our business hours of 8am-5pm eastern time, Monday through Friday, we can usually complete this by the end of the day.

  1. Log into Pivot Interactives.

  2. Click Account

  3. Click Manage License

  4. Click the LTI tab

  5. Click Canvas

  6. Enter the Client ID, Deployment ID, and your school's D2L/Brightspace domain.

  7. Click Save to add your D2L/Brightspace installation to Pivot Interactives.

Step 3: Create a Deployment in Brightspace

This step determines who in Brightspace has access to Pivot. You will need permissions to manage LTI Advantage deployments in Brightspace to perform this step.

  1. In the tool page in Brightspace, click New Deployment.

  2. You should see a new form. In the Tool field, select Pivot Interactives.

  3. Copy and Paste the following text into the Name field:
    Pivot Interactives

  4. In the Extensions field, select Assignment and Grade Services and Deep Linking.

  5. In the Security Settings field, select Org Unit Info. This allows us to connect your Pivot course with your Brightspace course.

  6. You may also select First Name, Last Name, and Email to create a streamlined integration with Pivot. If these are not checked, we will ask the student for this information when they launch into Pivot for the first time.

  7. Select what Org Units should have access to Pivot.

Step 4: Enable Deep Linking in Brightspace

This step adds Pivot to the assignment content editor so instructors can create links to Pivot assignments. You will need permissions to manage LTI Advantage deployments in Brightspace to perform this step.

  1. On your deployment in Brightspace, near the bottom, click View Links.

  2. Then select New Link.

  3. Copy and paste the following text into the Name field:
    Pivot Interactives

  4. Copy and paste the following text into the URL field:

  5. In the Type field, select Deep Linking Quicklink.

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