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My LMS grades aren't syncing

How to resolve the issue of Pivot Interactives assignment grades not syncing Canvas, Schoology, etc.

Trevor Register avatar
Written by Trevor Register
Updated over a week ago

Student accounts aren't connected

The most common cause for grades not syncing is that students haven't connected their Pivot Interactives accounts to their LMS account. This occurs when you give out a class key or join link as it allows them to bypass this process. In the future, do NOT give out a class key or join link. Students are automatically placed into the correct Pivot Interactives class the first time they click a linked assignment in your LMS.

From your class roster, scroll down to the Students section and look at the Source column.

Any student listed as Manual didn't connect their LMS account to Pivot Interactives when they joined your class. They will need to:

  1. Click an assignment in the LMS that's linked to Pivot Interactives

  2. Click the option to log into an existing account.

  3. Use whatever method they've previously been using to log into their Pivot Interactives account.

  4. Click Connect Accounts

This will ensure that future grades will transfer.

Please note that the Source column will not update to LTI once a student connects their account. This column simply tells you how they created the account, not it's current status.

Assignment status is not set to Graded or Final Grade

A grade sync event is trigger when a student's assignment status is set to Graded or Final Grade.

You can set an assignment status by clicking the three dots across from the student name, then select Mark as Final Grade

How to initiate a sync

  • Set the student's assignment status to Graded or Final Grade. If it's currently set to that, change it to something else, then back to Graded or Final Grade

  • You can do this for multiple students at once using the checkboxes next to their names and the Bulk Actions dropdown.

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