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Your Pivot Interactives Trial

Learn more about your 30-Day Free Trial

Purchasing Access to Pivot Interactives

Purchase a license to give access to your whole district or school, or create classes where students pay to join.

Instructors: Getting Started

New to Pivot Interactives? Start here!

Managing a License

Are you the admin on a license? Look for common answers here.

Students: Getting Started

Are you a student using Pivot Interactives in your science class? Start here!

Finding and Using Activities

Learn how to find a great matching activity for your science course

Creating Classes and Managing Rosters

Invite students to your classes, archive unneeded classes, change student passwords

Modifying and Building Activities

Activities in our library are fully editable - learn how to customize them here.

LMS Integrations with Pivot Interactives

With our LTI 1.3 integrations, you can sync Pivot Interactives with the leading learning management systems (LMSs) in education.

Rostering Services and Pivot Interactives

Working with an SIS that allows for rostering? We do too! Learn more about that here.

Grading Students' Responses

Grade by question or by student - the choice is up to you!

Customer Support Troubleshooting

Detailed instructions for various methods that customers can use to gather more data to assist in troubleshooting issues.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Find questions to other head-scratchers here in our Other FAQ.


Learn more about how Pivot Interactives protects your data.

Using the Data Table and Graphing Tools

Creating data tables and graphs is easy and fast.

Uploading Videos Into Pivot Interactives

Students and teachers can upload videos and use Pivot Interactives for video analysis

Bluetooth Sensors

Connect Vernier GoDirect and Pasco Bluetooth Sensors to Pivot Interactives