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Deep Dive: Graphs

This article series includes component specific instructions for modifying and building activities.

Trevor Register avatar
Written by Trevor Register
Updated over 2 years ago


Allows students to make a point-based or bar graph based on a previous data table.

Unique Features:

Graphs are only available if there is an accompanying data table; you cannot add a standalone graph. Data tables can have multiple graphs with them, but each graph corresponds to only one table. Graphs cannot be graded separate from the data table and do not have standalone feedback.

Building A Graph:

There are two types of graphs in the editor: "Correct Answer" and "Pre-populated Value." Like with the data table, the correct answer is only viewable to instructors; the pre-populated data is viewable to the students and will match the values as set in the pre-populated value area.

To complete a graph, enter data into the data table that corresponds with the graph you are editing. Select the data for each axis by clicking “Configure _____ Axis.” For more information on using the graphing tool, check out our article about using the data tables and graphs.

Graph options:

  1. A data table can have multiple graphs. To add a graph, simply click the Add Graph button under the table. Graphs are listed in the order they are added.

  2. Graphs can be presented as Scatter Graphs, Line Graphs, or Bar Graphs. This is selected in the cog to the right of the graph.

  3. Add a curve fit using the “Curve Fits” button. The equation for the curve fit selected, along with the RMSE value, will appear beneath the graph.

  4. Configure ____ Axis: This allows you to select the data for each axis.

  5. Autoscale view: recalibrates the autoscale to update for any fits.

  6. Include the origin: forces the graph to include the origin point in the view.

  7. Show/Hide Legend: This creates and hides a legend, with the values labeled by their vertical header.

  8. Reset Graph: This resets the graph to the Pre-Populated Value. If there is no pre-populated value, this will "reset" the graph to a blank state.

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