Once your Blackboard administrator has connected Pivot Interactives to Blackboard, you can begin assigning Pivot Interactives assignments into your Blackboard course.
1. Log into Pivot Interactives, and assign an activity to the class connected to the Blackboard course. (see how).
2. In Blackboard, log in as an instructor to your course.
3. Click Content on the left-hand sidebar, then select Build Content and create a Pivot Interactives Assignment.
4. If you haven't created an assignment for any Blackboard course before, you'll be prompted to log into Pivot Interactives to link your Pivot Interactives account with your Blackboard account.
5. If you haven't connected your Pivot Interactives class to your Blackboard class yet, you'll be prompted to select the Pivot Interactives class to link to your Blackboard class.
6. Once you select a Pivot Interactives class, scroll through the assignments currently available for that class, and click to select the one you want to assign.
7. The assignment is now added to your list of Blackboard assignments.
8. To grade student responses, click the assignment name, and that will open the assignment grading tool within Pivot Interactives.