Welcome to your new dashboard! This has been a long time coming... We have spent a long time talking about how to make the dashboard your launch point on the platform - and this is only the beginning.
Widgets Available
My Dashboard
The My Dashboard widget is filled with your license information in a snapshot.
If you are the admin on your license, you will have access to the Manage License and View Information buttons. If you are not an admin, these buttons are hidden.
You can manage your Personal Information by clicking Edit Profile.
While a license can have multiple admins, the first admin listed on the license will appear in the Admin Email spot under School Information.
Onboarding Status
We have added a new widget to the User Dashboard: Onboarding. This widget is designed to help you get all of your onboarding tasks completed each year. Some notes:
It updates on 1 August annually. You will need to complete your set up each year.
If you get stuck, click the Action button (in this case, Assign an Activity) to get started on your next task.
If you need help completing a task, click Show Me How to launch a guided walkthrough. (Note: You need to enable performance and functional cookies in order for this to work. The switch for this is in the Cookie Settings at the bottom of the app.)
Explore Pivot Interactives
The Explore Pivot Interactives widget is a great launch point to learn about things you can do on the Pivot Interactives platform. Use this to access our library of activities, create a class, or view our help documentation (like this article right here!).