B - This allows you to bold your text. The shortcut “Ctrl+B” will also turn on bolded text.
I - This allows you to italicize your text. The shortcut “Ctrl+I” will also turn on italics.
U - This allows you to underline your text. The shortcut “Ctrl+U” will also turn on underlining.
Numbered List - This allows you to create a numeric list.
Bulleted List - This allows you to create a bulleted list.
Change Indent - Change the indent of text.
Hyperlink: This allows you to add a hyperlink. The shortcut to open hyperlinking is Ctrl+V while highlight the text with a URL in your clipboard.
Image Upload: This allows you to insert any picture file on your computer. We suggest PNG, JPEG/JPG, or GIF files for the best results.
Equation Editor: Our equation editor uses LaTeX. To learn more about LaTeX, check out our article with a cheat sheet for common equations.