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Working with Locked Sections

You can require students to submit the current section before proceeding. This is useful when students are making and testing predictions.

Trevor Register avatar
Written by Trevor Register
Updated over a year ago

It's often useful to have some sections of an activity locked so that students can't view them until they've completed the previous section. For example, if students are asked to make a prediction about the outcome of a situation, the activity can require that students submit their prediction before viewing the video that reveals the outcome.

Creating a Locked Section

When viewing an activity in the Editor, each section has a check box that will require the section to be completed and submitted before the next section is open.

When students view this activity, they will see a button at the bottom of the section that reads Lock Answer and Continue.

Information about Locked Sections

When students click Lock Answer and Continue, they "lock" that section. This means that they cannot modify their answers in a section. They also cannot "unlock" the section once they locked it; sections can only be unlocked by a teacher.

If the sections that follow do not depend on an answer in this section, the students will be able to click Lock Answer and Continue even if they're not finished with all of the questions.

If a student attempts to lock a section with unanswered questions, a popup will appear. It reads:

You have not correctly answered the following question(s):

(List of questions)

If you lock this section, you will not be able to go back and work on these questions.

Are you sure you want to lock the section and continue?

  • Clicking Yes on the pop-up will lock the section.

  • Clicking No on the pop-up will allow the students to keep working in the section. The section will not lock if they click No.

If the sections that follow contain questions that do depend on an answer in this section, the students will NOT be able to click Lock Answer and Continue until they have correctly answered those questions.

Unlocking A Single Locked Sections

If you decide you don't want the section locked for any students, open the activity in edit mode and uncheck the check box in the section before the locked section (see image above)

If you want to unlock a locked section for a specific student, open the student's responses, scroll to the locked section, and click Unlock Section:

Unlocking All Locked Sections

If you want to unlock a locked ALL sections for a specific student, open the student's responses and click the three dots to the left of the grading status, as shown here. Then, select "unlock all sections."

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