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Assignment Settings

Customize assignments with ease using our suite of assignment settings.

Trevor Register avatar
Written by Trevor Register
Updated over 4 months ago


Customize assignments with ease using our suite of assignment settings. You can modify things such as:

  • Whether or not to show hints

  • When to show feedback to students. This includes whether or not they answered a question correctly or not, when to show automated feedback, or when to show comments you've entered.

  • Override the total amount of points on the assignment

  • Disable randomization

  • Override question attempt limits

Settings can be set when assigning the activity or after the fact.

Instant Feedback

Control when students are given any kind of feedback, including automated feedback given to students after they submit an answer to an autograded question.

  • Show Hints - Many questions have helpful hints to guide students. Disable this to hide all hints.

  • Show Feedback to Students - Automated feedback is given to students when they submit an answer to an autograded question, including comments and whether or not they got the correct answer. Feedback can also be written as a comment by the instructor.

    • After Submitting Each Question - Automated feedback is given immediately after submitting an answer. Instructor-made comments are shown immediately.

    • After Submitting the Assignment - All feedback is suppressed until the student submits the assignment.

Question Overrides

Students always have unlimited attempts to get an autograded question correct. However, many of these questions have a limit on the number of attempts a student has to get credit for a correct answer. If they get a question correct but used more than the allotted limit, they won't get points.

Toggle Override Attempts to change the total number of attempts a student gets to receive points for correct answers. You can override this for each of the autograded question types. Enter a specific number, or leave the fields blank to allow an unlimited limit on getting points.


Toggle the Override Point Total setting to override the total number of points for an assignment. The point breakdowns for autograde vs instructor graded questions are shown as well. If you'd like to have an assignment to be out of autograded points, set the value here to what's shown under Autograded.


Most of our activities include some kind of randomization. Toggle the Randomize Questions setting to disable this. The only kind of randomization that will be preserved is the order in which answers to multiple choice questions appear.

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